A great team of people work together to provide education and information to assist you in becoming a great puppy buyer and dog owner. We offer numerous classes throughout the year. Our members also compete in a variety of dog sports. We’d love to discuss any activities that interest you. Experienced trainers are willing to assist you in your goals, including the wonderful, well mannered, family dog.
When applying for membership to the WDC, an applicant must agree to abide by the club’s Constitution, By-Laws and Code of Ethics plus the rules and regulations of the American Kennel Club. In addition, an applicant must submit an application for membership and pay the appropriate dues at their first meeting, then attend one additional meeting within the following three months.
The WDC’s year runs from January 1st thru December 31st. Dues for the following year can be paid to the treasurer starting in October. A membership is terminated by non-payment of dues by the membership meeting in January and the application process must be repeated and any years accumulated for lifetime membership will be lost.
Membership Types
A household membership is open to one or two adults residing in the same household, as well as any children under the age of 18 residing in the same household. Dues are $40.00 annually.
A single membership does not include spouse or children and the dues are $25.00 annually.
A junior membership is open to young people between the ages of 8 and 17. These are non-voting members and the dues are $1.00 annually.
Download WDC Membership Print Application
Complete Membership Application Online
The Final Step in the application process is the approval of the Board of Directors. At the first Board meeting following the fulfillment of the attendance requirements the application will be discussed, voted on, and with affirmative votes of the majority of Board members the applicant is approved as a WDC member.
- Use of building
- Exercise yard for dogs
- Book and Video Library
- Monthly newsletter
- Informational programs at membership meetings
- Seminars
- Classes
- The opportunity to participate in parades
- The opportunity to participate in nursing home visits
- Annual Banquet
You can become an ACTIVE MEMBER and get free training classes by donating hours of volunteer service to the Winnegamie Dog Club by helping at shows, trials, matches, nursing home visits and other club functions. Also, you could become involved with the training programs (obedience, conformation, agility or rally). These hours are accumulated on a calendar year basis and apply for the upcoming year. The number of hours needed for a Household membership is 24 (any member over 12 can earn these) and for an Individual membership is 16.
Click here to view volunteer opportunities
Committee chairpersons and Board members get their hours for the upcoming year. For 15 years of membership you will automatically receive free training and for 25 years of membership, you become a LIFETIME MEMBER and pay NO dues!!!!