Monthly Membership Meetings
Meetings are held at the training center (2043 Manitowoc Road) the first Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm. Do not bring your dog. New members are welcome.
Our June meeting is our annual Ice Cream Social. Ice cream will be provided after the meeting, along with a variety of toppings.
Our December meeting is followed by our annual Christmas Party. The club provides cold cuts, cheese, and rolls. Members are asked to bring a side dish, salad, or dessert to share.
We have occasional informational programs.

For our August meeting, we had a visit from Menasha Police facility dog Koda and her handler, Officer Rick Heinen.
Officer Koda works in the Menasha elementary schools to assist students and staff by offering emotional support, alleviating stress, and assisting those in crisis.
For our March meeting, Becky Heiner and her wire-haired fox terrier Django demonstrated exercises that members can do with their dogs to keep them health and fit.

For our November program, Jackie Kobierecki introduced members to the canine sport of Nose Work, with live demonstrations by some of our members and their dogs.
Jackie Kobierecki and Jennifer Picard explained the sport of Canine Nose Work to our members at the November meeting.