The training facility is available for member use when not being used for classes or outside rentals for a maximum of 12 hours per 2-week wejoin sheet per member. All members must sign up on the following links prior to using the building to determine if it is available. If you have questions or problems reserving, text (do not call) Laurel Stone at 920-428-0146.
If you need a key, we now have a lock box with a key in it. Contact Bethany Reilly or Betty Lehrer (920-915-8747) for the code to the box. Be sure to return the key to the box immediately after opening the door. Please see instructions at the following link for first time users: WDC Floor Rental Instructions
Everyone must sign in on the sign-in sheet located on the table near the door in either room. If a member uses the building with a non-member, it is the responsibility of the member to have the non-member sign a waiver form (located in the office on the wall behind the door). Please put the signed waiver in the envelope with your fees.
$5.00/hour per membership for active members (same for individual and household)
$10.00 per hour for regular members (individual and household)
$15.00/hour per non-member (must rent with a member) – all non-members must also sign a waiver
Junior members free – must be accompanied by parent or legal guardian
Active trainers free – must be teaching during the current class session
Lifetime members – free
Put your payment in an envelope and label the envelope with the following information: The date and time of your rental and names of all the people who used the room during that time. Drop the envelope into the metal container behind the door in the office.
Use of the building is for training purposes only, no fetch, frisbee, etc. All hallways and access to the office, obedience supplies, and agility cage must remain open. If someone is renting the other room, be sure to knock before entering and do not enter with a dog without asking permission first.
Before you leave:
• Properly put away all equipment you used.
• Vacuum the area that you used – vacuums are located in the kitchen for the front room and in the janitor’s closet for the back room.
• Please leave the building in the same or better condition than you found it to be.
• Check to make sure that all lights are off and all doors are locked (put the door lock switch in the down position).
• Be sure to return the key to the lockbox if you have not previously done so.
• Sometimes the main door will not lock properly when you walk out of the building. PLEASE check the door to make sure it actually is locked.
Front Room
March 16-31 (FRONT ROOM)
April 1-15 (FRONT ROOM)
Back Room
March 16-31 (BACK ROOM)
April 1-15 (BACK ROOM)