N-M 2024 Labor Day Parade
Winnegamie Dog Club loves a parade!
The Neenah-Menasha Labor Day Parade is on Monday, September 2 at 10 am. It begins at Curtis Reed Square in downtown Menasha, then proceeds from Main Street to Tayco Street to Commercial Street to Wisconsin Avenue in downtown Neenah. The Tayco Street bridge has open grating that dogs can catch their paws in, so be sure to walk your dog on the sidewalk or carry your dog across the bridge. We will receive our parade number and starting position in the parking lot of the Hmong Union Hall (formerly Germania Hall), 320 Chute Street.
Please arrive by 9:30 am. Bring poop bags and water for your dogs. Feel free to dress up your dog and/or yourself! Dogs must be on a leash that’s 6 feet or shorter. You are responsible for your own transportation to and from the start and end of the parade route (getting dropped off at the start or picked up at the end). Only approved club members may bring their dogs, for insurance reasons, but we can always use people to carry the banner and walk extra dogs. You will receive 3 volunteer hours for participating in the parade; be sure to have parade chair Amy Schneider sign your form. If you have any questions, please contact Amy Schneider ([email protected])
We look forward to seeing you there! Come and have fun representing the club and showing off our well-trained dogs!