• You must be an APPROVED CLUB MEMBER to use the yard. Other family members cannot use the yard unless you have a Household membership. Effective Jan 1, 2024: Guests are no longer permitted to use the yard.
• A yard permit must be obtained from the WDC Yard Pass Chairperson after you are approved as a member and renewed annually. The application form is available here.
• The WDC Yard Permit should hang prominently from your vehicle’s rear-view mirror when using the yard. If you use other transportation to get to the club, you must carry the pass with you.
• Individuals enrolled in a club training class have exclusive use the yard during the ½ hour before or after their class. Please give priority to class participants.
• If someone is using the yard when you arrive, ASK PERMISSION to bring your dog in.
• If you are using the yard and choose not to have other dogs enter the yard LIMIT YOUR USE TIME to 15 minutes.
• If the yard is occupied, DO NOT PARK WITHIN 60 FEET OF THE YARD FENCE. Park near the light pole while waiting.
• Please have your dogs on a leash while entering and leaving the yard on the way to your vehicle. DO NOT use a long line while in the yard.
• Pick up your dog’s waste and dispose of it in the containers provided.
• The training center is available for rental. If it is rented this includes the yard. A sign will be posted on the gate.
• Occasionally the yard will be saturated with standing water. The yard will be closed for safety reasons. This will be posted on the gate.
• By adhering to these rules, we can all be assured that the yard will continue to be a place where we can enjoy some active time with our best friends.